International Journal of Biological Innovations (IJBI)

Volume: 1; Issue: 1; June 2019
Title : Socio-religious Plants of Terai Region of U.P., India
Authour(s): H. P. Pandey
Keywords: Ethnobotany, Folk-religion, Socio-religious plants, Terai region, U.P.
Abstract: Plants being the oldest companion of man influenced his culture and civilization very much, which themselves born, grown and flourished very deep in the dense forests. Our ancestors imparted this knowledge to us through various folktales, mythological stories and events in the epics. Lots of religious practices and worship in houses and temples on various festivals and ceremonies are still followed right from the birth to death, all associated with plants. These associations can be traced from prehistoric age to present so called civilized age without interruption. This submission discusses 36 plant species which are used in socio-religious ceremonies in and around Gonda and Balrampur districts of Terai region of U.P., India.
How to cite this article: Pandey H. P. (2019). Socio-religious Plants of Terai Region of U.P., India. International Journal of Biological Innovations. 1(1): 18-22.
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