The International Journal of Biological Innovations (IJBI) is an official publication of the Glocal Environment & Social Association (GESA). The IJBI is a peer-reviewed, refereed, multi-indexed, open access and online journal. It aims to disseminate the scientific research, recent biological innovations and to provide the most complete as well as reliable source of information on current developments in the field. The IJBI plays an important role in global academia by encouraging research, fostering knowledge and promoting new dimensions/developments in the areas related to biological sciences.
Open Access
The International Journal of Biological Innovations (IJBI) is a fully open access journal for which author/user need not to pay any fee. Once published, articles will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read, download and share free of cost.
The IJBI publishes original/ quality research articles, reviews and short communications pertaining to all fields of Biological Sciences (Botany and Zoology) including Environmental Science, Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Immunology and so on. Author (s) can submit articles through the online submission process. Author may also contact: chiefeditor.ijbi@
Language and Frequency
Accepted language is English and the issues are published regularly twice in a year i.e. June and December.