International Journal of Biological Innovations (IJBI)

Volume: 1; Issue: 1; June 2019
Title : Effect of cadmium on fresh water teleost Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)
Authour(s): Ashok Kumar, Sadguru Prakash, Alpana Parmar and Anand K. Bajpeyee
Keywords: Heteropneustes fossilis, cadmium, glucose, glycogen, lactate and pyruvate.
Abstract: Heteropneustes fossilis, the fresh water teleost fishes were exposed to sub lethal concentration 6.9 mg/l of Cd for 24,48 ,72 ,96, hours.. The order of cadmium accumulation rate was found in these tissues were liver>gills> kidney. It was concluded that the fish liver and gills exhibited highest accumulation of heavy metals. The results showed significant fall in all the biochemical constituents in all the tissues except glucose apparently suggest that organism's response to the toxicant stress. The accumulation of cadmium and significant fall in the level of these biochemical constituents in these tissues was found to increase directly. Cadmium blocks the oxidative metabolism in the tissues leading to an altered energy status in the fish as the toxicant effect carbohydrate metabolism in liver, brain and gills. A significant increase in glucose and lactate levels was observed while the glycogen and pyruvate contents were significantly decreased due to the toxic stress.
How to cite this article: Kumar A., Prakash S. Parmar A. and Bajpeyee A. K. (2019). Effect of cadmium on fresh water teleost, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). International Journal of Biological Innovations. 1 (1):14-17.
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