

M.Sc. (Gold Medalist), Ph.D., D.Sc. (honoris causa)

F.S.F.S.N (Lucknow), F.N.S.F. (Coimbatore), F.E.S.W. (Khajuraho)

F.I.A.S.R. (Kolkata), F.A.B.R.F. (Prayagraj), F.A.Z.R.A. (Bhubaneswar)

F.I.B.R.F. (Kolkata), F.I.A.Z.R. (Delhi), F.I.S.C.A. (Indore), F.I.F.E.E. (Kolkata)

F.B.P.S. (Allahabad), F.S.L.Sc. (Satna), F.G.E.S.A. (New Delhi), F.Z.S.I. (Bodh Gaya)

F.G.A.S. (Lucknow), F.N.A.S. (Kathmandu) (Recipient of SARASWATI SAMMAN 2017 of U.P. Govt.)



v ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5683-5969

v PUBLONS ID: https://publons.com/researcher/3677562/ashok-k-verma/

v RESEARCH GATE: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ashok_Verma7

v ACADEMIA: https://independent.academia.edu/DrAKVerma

v SSRN: https://hq.ssrn.com/submissions/MyPapers.cfm?partid=4266122

v GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9GXzXjoAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2

     h-index: 26 and i10-index: 76; Total citations: More than 2200

Dr. A. K. Verma did his graduation (B.Sc.) from University of Lucknow in 1989 with first division. He did his M.Sc. in Zoology from KNIPSS Sultanpur in 1992 and secured first position in Avadh University Faizabad therefore received Chancellor's Gold Medal. He completed his Ph.D. from there under the guidance of Dr. A.K. Singh (Professor, Department of Zoology, BHU-Varanasi). He is dynamic, energetic, and the most popular as well as  innovative faculty in his area of teaching and research. He is currently working as A. Professor, Department of Zoology, Government Post Graduate College Saidabad-Prayagraj (U.P.).

            Dr Verma has been former Convener of Board of Studies and Member of Academic Council of Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad State University) and currently an expert member of the intellectual property right cell of it. He is member/expert/chairman of several academic/ selection committees. He is subject expert of Zoology RDC of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Ayodhya; subject expert of Environmental Science Board of Studies of Govt. KRG PG (Autonomous) College, Gwalior (M.P.), Zoology Board of Studies, CSJM, University Kanpur (U.P.) and Maa Shakumbhari University, Saharanpur (U.P.). He is Editor -in- Chief of International Journal of Biological Innovations (IJBI). He is editor and member of editorial boards  of more than 15 reputed National and International Journals. Owing to his concern towards environment and sustainable development, he has started a new healthy tradition of gifting plants in birthday and marriage anniversary celebrations. Added to this, the tradition is also being continued with guests and speakers during conferences in order to maintain a clean and green natural environment.

            Dr. Verma has life membership of about 30 National/International Academic Societies and he has received Fellowships of 17 well reputed academic societies of global fame. He has also received about 60 most prestigious awards of Regional, National and International repute including Saraswati Samman 2017 (The highest award of Education Department, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh). Some of notable awards are: Chancellor Gold Medal, Congress of Zoology Medal, Prof. MC Dash Medal, Prof. Baba Jadhav Senior Scientist Gold Medal, Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award, Indo Global Education Excellence Award, Environment Excellence Award, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Education Excellence Award, Clean Environment Promotion Award, Glocal Environment  Sustainability Promotion Award, Social Environmentalist Award, Excellence in Research and Teaching, Best Educationist Award, Nation Builder Award, National Green Award, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Green Environment Award, Global Teacher Role Model Award, Best Teacher Award for Zoological Innovations, Lal  Bahadur  Shastri  Glocal Award for Biodiversity, Nature Conservation  Promotion Award, Biodiversity Conservation Award, Inspiring Science and Nature Award, Vigyan Bhushan Puraskar, Life Time Achievement Award and so on. Besides, he also received D.Sc. (honoris causa) bestowed by Commonwealth Vocational University Makaunga (Tonga Republic) in Dec 2017. He is popularly known as Man of Awards and Honours”.

            Dr. Verma has 111 research publication (including research articles, review articles and book chapters) in reputed International, Refereed/Peer reviewed and indexed journals and Edited books/Proceedings. He has successfully supervised 01 Ph.D. Scholar. His current Google Scholar Citations are more than 2200. He successfully organized 16 national and 17 international conferences/seminars/webinars. Moreover, he has written 04 books as sole author, 03 books as Co-author; edited and published 01 Proceedings and 05 Edited Book. He has actively participated in more than 100 National and International conferences/seminars/ workshops, delivered invited lectures as well as presented research papers.

Dr. Verma is currently working on biodiversity/nature conservation and ecological balance. He is  actively involved in conservation, sustainable development and management of Indian Sarus Crane (state bird of Uttar Pradesh) in and around district Kaushambi (U.P.).